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Radio Communication

Radio Communication

Communication System

2G / 3G / 4G (LTE) /5G (2020)


Digtal Trunked Solutions 


TETRA-T 800MHz 300-470MHz
Tetra Basestation
Voice Logger
Network Management
Network Planning
Outdoor and Indoor Coverage
-Tetra Portable units
-Tetra Mobile units
-Tetra Bidirectional Amplifier 
Site preparation 


WIRELESS 2.4GHz, 5.2GHz 


TETRA (Digital Tetra Trunking System)

Digital trunked solutions

Trunked RAdio (TETRA) is a digital trunked mobile radio standard developed to meet the needs of traditional Professional Mobile Radio (PMR) user organisations such as:

  • Public Safety 

  • Transportation 

  • Utilities 

  • Government 

  • Military 

  • PAMR 

  • Commercial & Industry 

  • Oil & Gas

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